Jun's Room


dear jun,

this is the fourth birthday we’re spending together, and because last year's letter flopped and got stolen and eaten (like seriously seven pages gone with the wind i guess), i decided to both write your message here and send it. fingers crossed you get it this time with your present. so, without further ado!

happy birthday jun! i never know how to start these because there’s always so much i want to say to you. thank you for being born. congratulations on making it to 23! thanks for being my friend, and im excited to spend many more birthdays with you. i know i say this everytime, but i’m always proud of the person you are and the person you’ve become, and it makes me happy to know that i’ll be able to continue to grow with you. thank you for everything you’ve brought to my life. im happy to know you in all the ways that i do.

last year, i went on a whole tirade about past lives, and i know you mentioned watching it, so do you remember that scene where nora is lying in bed with her husband and he tells her that she makes his world just so much bigger? you’re hardworking, and kind, and really funny, and i can string together so many more adjectives like that to describe you because you’re someone like that to me. a precious person who makes my world a whole lot bigger just by existing. thanks to you there’s a lot of things that i notice everyday that i wouldn’t have noticed before, because it’s something that makes me think of you. i always feel like a simple thank you is never enough for that, but it’s all i can say. thank you for opening my world to that much more happiness. thank you for letting me know you, and more than anything else, thank you for being my friend. for being someone i’m certain of. you know, no matter what i do, there’s always an undercurrent of thoughts that are just about you that i think will probably always be there. you’ve touched my world in a way that i don’t think i’ll ever recover from, and in a way i never want to. and i want you to know that— that at just 23, you’re someone who makes people better for knowing you.

i know that this years birthday will be very different for you. i won’t pretend to understand what you’re going through, but i want you to know that i am always here. i hope you don’t feel like you always have to be happy around me, because i know it might feel hard to talk about, and i might not know what to say, but i want to listen if you want to talk. if you want to tell a cool story about him or reminisce or grieve in silence but be with company i’m here. or if you want to watch a movie or play a game or listen to asmr i’ve been practicing making slime noises. that’s a standing offer that lasts forever by the way. if you ever feel like you need someone at any time, i’ll always be here.

over the past year you’ve been working really hard on your studies and having fun with your friends, so please remember to take care of yourself in between that. please take breaks when you need them, drink lots of water, eat lots of good food, and laugh a lot with your friends. i hope that this year you can find yourself content with where you are.

happy birthday, jun. i love you.

wishing for your happiness always,